About DPS

About DPS Society

Delhi Public Schools, with the motto "Service before Self", have been serving the society in the field of education for the last 60 years. There are presently as many as 130 schools under its aegis, both within and outside India.

About DPS SocietySchools of the Delhi Public School Society are places where:

The intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and aesthetic development of the students are fostered to enhance their quality About DPS Society.

The growing number of schools under this organizational umbrella signifies how the need to provide meaningful education to a large number of children desirous of growing into educated & liberal enlightened human beings, is being fulfilled. Founded and managed by distinguished members and luminaries of the society, culled from all walks of life, the organization has been guiding its member schools on the path of progress with their visionary approach & lofty ideals Consequently, Delhi Public schools have become significant portals of learning . Our credo is to provide an all round development with a sound moral base. Fostering character building and nurturing the inquisitive spirit of children, encouraging scientific temperament & strengthening social bonds are our constant endeavours.

Schools of the Delhi Public School Society are places where:

  • The intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and aesthetic development of the students are fostered to enhance their quality of life.
  • Student achievement is acknowledged and celebrated within the school and the community.
  • Students are prepared for active, independent learning in an environment which inculcates a spirit of enquiry and keen but healthy competition.
  • Students are encouraged to contribute to decision-making about their own future through school appointments and student organizations, career guidance and counseling services that help them crystallize their goals.
  • There is a high level of co-operation and support between the parents and the schools.

The DPS Society, as the nation's largest collaborator of national and international educational enterprise, has evolved a system of education based on both progress and partnership, with a qualitative dimension that is shared. This, in essence, is its goal, its strategy and its mission.