Library Rules

  • Students will be allowed to take only one book at a time.
  • Books will be issued during library periods. No book will be issued or returned during class hours.
  • A student can keep a book for a week and the same can be renewed further for another week. The book in great demand will be issued for maximum periods of 3 days only.
  • Reference books will not be issued. The students wivll be allowed to consult the reference books only during the school hours.
  • The librarian can call for a book before time.
  • If the date of issue or return of books happens to be a holiday, its stands postponed to the next working day.
  • If the book is not returned on the due date, a fine of Rs. 2/- per day will be charged as late fee.
  • Absence is no excuse for the delay in return of the book.
  • In case a book is misused or lost, the concerned student will have to pay the full price of the book or compensate with a new book.
  • Writing names, scribbling, underlining, folding, tearing the pages etc. is strictly forbidden. Fines will be levied for violation of these rules.
  • Students should not exchange, lend or pass on the books to any one else.
  • Strict silence should be maintained in the library.
  • Students will not be allowed to carry their personal books or bags to the library. Notebooks can be taken to the library with the prior permission of the librarian.